I often wake up in the night or the early morning with an arguement brewing in my head. Usually it's not aimed at anyone in particular just life in general and will tend to center around something I heard or saw the day before. Often the ensuing arguement keeps me awake as my imagined opponent invariably doesn't listen to me. So I've decided to start a blog in the hope that venting my anger/opinion/exasperation and even love and admiration on this blog will negate the need for my nocturnal ramblings and thus allow me some much needed sleep.
I feel I should probably warn the reader at this point that it is entirely possible my opinions will, at times, be disagreed with, even disapproved of but, as the very apt quote to the right demonstrates, my opinions are all my own and you are all perfectly entitled to your own. In short, I will not be offended by your disagreement, voiced or otherwise and I hope none of you will ever be offended by my remarks.
Of course, it hasn't escaped me that I may well just be swaping arguing with myself for blogging to myself but hopefully the transistion will prove interesting, if only to me and just maybe there are people out there who will choose to follow my blogs and hopefully comment here and there with opinions of their own. I look forward to long and stimulating chats.
Back soon. Claire x
Of course, it hasn't escaped me that I may well just be swaping arguing with myself for blogging to myself but hopefully the transistion will prove interesting, if only to me and just maybe there are people out there who will choose to follow my blogs and hopefully comment here and there with opinions of their own. I look forward to long and stimulating chats.
Back soon. Claire x